What is it Worth? - Final Crits
May 26, May 27, 2020

Tuesday May 26th, Wednesday May 27th, Final Crits, Zoom.
Guest Critics: Prof. Dr. Beate Fricke, Prof. An Fonteyne, Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid, Prof. Peter St John, Maria Conen, Dr. Janina Gosseye
What is it Worth? - Interim Crits
May 5, 2020

Tuesday, May 5th, Interim Crits, Zoom.
Guest Critic: An Fonteyne (noAarchitecten, Brussels, ETH Zürich)
What is it Worth? - Interim Crits
April 8, 2020

Wednesday, April 8th, Interim Crits, Zoom.
Guest Critics: Fredi Fischli, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Niels Olsen
What is it Worth? - Remote Teaching

Under the current circumstances we are now using a Studio Blog and individual Sub-Blogs from each student group as a new E-teaching Studio-Space.
Find our Studio Blog with the links to all the Student Blogs under https://whatisitworth-chair.tumblr.com
What is Worthless - Interim Crits
March 11, 2020

Museum Highlights: A Gallery Talk, Andrea Fraser, 1989
Wednesday, March 11th. Interim Crits, ETH Zürich. Science City. HIL F 65.
Guest Critics: Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid (ETH Zürich), Marc Kappeler (Moiré)