Seminar Week: March 17–21, 2014

We will visit the Vatican for our seminar week, a city that exists solely to support the institution of the catholic church. We will study the art and architecture that proclaims the magnificence of the church, we will try to gain some sense of how use and representation co-exist in this very powerful and rhetorical place. We will make excursions to Rome in order to better understand how the baroque city was formed in the image, and for the service of the catholic church. We will also look at the great debt the church owes to the culture and to the institutions of the imperial Rome.
The costs are approximately 750 CHF including Transportation, Hotel, Entrances, Guides and Reader.
Category B, 15 students
Professor Adam Caruso
Assistants: Martina Bischof, Maria Conen, Murat Ekinci, Oliver Lütjens, Philipp Oehy, Anna Page