Remoteness and Identity

Seminar Week: October 20–25, 2024

Carved Stone, Aberdeenshire

Perhaps the primary distinction of the artist is that he must actively cultivate that state which most men, necessarily, must avoid; the state of being alone.
The Creative Process, James Baldwin 1962

Baldwin equates creativity with solitude. Unbound by the strictures of society, the artist achieves their intellectual and spiritual independence through an equivalent social one. Today many of us feel that our inner and outer lives are cluttered by increasing quantities of unwanted matter, and perhaps we all need a little more time on our own to care for our physical and psychological health. 

This semester we will go to Scotland, which unlike Switzerland, is not on the way to anywhere. Travelling North, human settlements become sparser and the character of the people, and their ways of life, respond to increasing measures of isolation. Beyond the northern land edge there are only islands, a sense of entering an unfamiliar place and of Europe left behind.  

We will travel from Edinburgh to the Orkney Islands visiting people and places that have found ways to inhabit this harsh and beautiful land. We will visit small communities, reviving traditional forms of agriculture and craft, stopping by Hospitalfield, an artists’ residency. We will encounter sites of pagan and early Christian settlements that still speak to the liberating potential of solitude.  

The costs are approximately 750 to 1000 CHF including Transportation, Accommodation, Guides and Reader.
Category D, 16 students

HS 2024, ETH Zürich, Studio Caruso
Emilie Appercé, Lucia Bernini, Tibor Bielicky, Adam Caruso, Yosuke Nakamoto