Beauty in Italy
Seminar Week: October 24–28, 2022

Piero della Francesca, Madonna della Misericordia, 1462
The paintings, cities and gardens of 15th century Italy can seem far away from our lives, but these artefacts produced with materials and ideas from another time are also part of the contemporary world. Near the border between Tuscany and Umbria, small cities like Pienza, Arezzo and Assisi offer the opportunity to experience objects and spaces from the early renaissance in their original settings.
We will visit one or two of these special places each day. Using art history and theory texts from today, we will reframe, discuss and debate work that was made six or seven hundred years ago. We will try to understand something about how and why they were originally made, and begin to make sense of what they can mean to us today.
Eating well and keeping good society will be an integral part of the week.
The costs are 501–750 CHF including entrances, accommodation, one dinner and reader.
Category C, 16 students
HS 2022, ETH Zürich, Studio Caruso
Emilie Appercé, Tibor Bielicky, Adam Caruso, Claudio Schneider, Barbara Thüler