What is Next?
Seminar Week: October 19–23, 2020

This is tomorrow, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 1956
This semester the studio will have an integrated Seminar Week. From our new home in ONA we will meet and debate, both in person and on Zoom, a wide range of figures who are challenging the status quo of technique, economics and politics. We will both declare our existence to the wider world and also call for participation from beyond the limits of academia. Members of the studio will be responsible for the detailed programme of the week and will lead in the discussions with our invited guests. The idea is that this intense week of research and outreach will supplement the ongoing themes of the studio, forming the basis of an interactive screen based journal and a special edition Seminarwoche reader, which will be prepared for publication during the course of the week.
The costs are approximately 50-250 CHF
Category A
HS 2020, ETH Zürich, Studio Caruso
Emilie Appercé, Martina Bischof, Adam Caruso, Benjamin Groothuijse, Claudio Schneider, Barbara Thüler