Inconvenient Truths

Adolf Loos, Wohnung Josef Vogl, Pilsen, 1929

Six lectures on modernism

Architektur VII, HPH G1, 8:15 am


Forms follows function
Reading: The Tall Office Building Artistically Considered


Ruskin and Viollet
Reading: The Nature of Gothic

30.10. Culture not technique
Reading: The Principle of Cladding
13.11. Perret and banalité: Guest lecture by Éric Lapierre
Reading: Contribution à une Théorie de l' Architecure / Contributions to a Theory of Architecture
20.11. Novelty is overrated: Conversation with Philip Ursprung
Reading: Empire
04.12. Ways of seeing
Reading: The Double Negative: a new syntax for sculpture / Verb List Compilation: Actions to Relate to Oneself